

小時候, 我的氣管不好, 外婆每天都煮燕窩粥給我吃(可能因此我的皮膚也算好)慶幸我未有患上哮喘。

今天, 外婆93歲了, 身體尚算健康只是氣血不太好, 風濕偶有發作睡得不穩, 我就做一味桑寄生蓮子茶給她調理調理。桑寄生補肝腎, 強筋骨, 去風濕, 連孕婦都可飲用安胎, 你說是否女性恩物? 我喜歡自己煲的, 還可以調校甜味。

材料簡單: 桑寄生、蓮子、紅棗、片糖或紅糖, 用我的好拍檔Le Creuset (當然可用其他牌子) 煮約45分鐘便成。最難的反而是為紅棗去核(不去核太燥熱), 我弄了一小時哦。

你睇, 幾成功呀呢粒!

人生, 本是一個生生不息的循環, 你說是不是?

1 則留言:

  1. Hey Nic,
    I've been reading your blog. Very cute that you're cooking something healthy for your grandma.
    For the jujubes, I usually buy the big ones here in Korea and then just use a 'fruit knife' to pick the seed. I cook ginseng chicken soup with jujubes + garlic + chestnuts + sticky rice + ginseng stuffed in a spring chicken.
    I still remember picking the seeds for my mom when I was a kid, and I used my fingers/nails. I figure that if you buy relatively 'fresh' jujubes and the big ones, the inside is still soft so it's easier to cut up and pick the seed.

    Please continue to share more. I feel a bit behind being away from Hong Kong and my family for so long. It's always nice to see what's in and what makes a great lifestyle :)

    p.s. can you share again the good Taobao shops for furniture or household stuff? I am moving to a new apartment soon and thought of treasure-hunting some from there.



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